The postpartum period can be such a challenging time. The massive life adjustment to having a new baby that literally depends on you to sustain their life (even though you were already doing that in pregnancy — just outside the womb now), to the physical recovery of giving birth and having gone through pregnancy, to the drastic hormonal shifts, to the overwhelming, fluctuating emotions. It is such a huge adjustment, whether you are a new mom or a veteran mom.

Maybe the “baby blues” have lasted longer than expected. 

Maybe you have experienced heightened anxiety, depression, or rage during your postpartum period or even during pregnancy. 

Maybe you have intrusive thoughts that won’t let your mind rest. 

“Is my baby breathing?” as you check to see if their chest is rising and falling for the 100th time. 

“What if I just drop my baby out of nowhere?”

“Am I even fit to be a mother?”

Maybe the phantom cries are not stopping. “Is that my baby crying?” as you finally lay down in bed or finally get that shower you’ve been desperate for.  

Maybe the way that your identity shifting into motherhood has not been what you expected it to be. 

This is all so normal and so common. The sleep deprivation does not help this adjustment, either!  You may need extra support during this huge life shift. As you heal physically, you may also need to heal mentally.  We would be honored to walk alongside you in this season to provide you with therapy to take care of your mental health.