Your Teen Is Lonely and Confused

Teen Therapy Gives Your Child
a Dedicated Space of Support

Teen Therapy in Charleston, South Carolina

Where did your kid go?

They were once a happy, smiley kid, but now they seem sullen and withdrawn.

They keep pushing the limit. Nothing that you say seems to get through to them.

It feels like every day, you’re catching them in a new lie.

You hardly recognize them anymore. It doesn’t seem like they know who they are or what they believe.

The calls from school keep coming.

They’re missing homework and ignoring the dress code. They skipped class AGAIN.

But you can’t bring any of this up because they’ll slam a door in your face.

You’re trying to help but tired of being shut out and lied to.

It feels like their future is hanging in the balance, with college applications coming soon.

This is where we come in.

With years of experience working with teens, we’ll get them back on track.

The relationship we form with your teen is one of safety, where they feel seen and taken seriously.

Your teen will learn new ways to communicate more effectively.

We’ll talk about what is happening inside and help them take responsibility for their life and future.

Therapy builds skills for life.

Your child becomes emotionally healthy by learning to recognize and feel what’s going on internally.

This allows them to have more enriching and supportive relationships across their life.

Your teen will learn tools of self-regulation and organization to pursue the things that matter to them.

Clearing out emotional blocks will allow them to focus and perform better academically.

There’s no time to waste.

We’ve seen it hundreds of times.

The habits and patterns your teen develops now will affect them for years to come.

Let’s make those healthy and supportive patterns for a happy life.

Call (843) 259-2459 now for your free consultation.

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